“Your First Steps in the Open Source Language R” is an introductory workshop that will explore the basics of this popular language in a very practical way. No programming experience is required to attend . The Workshop will be divided in two sessions of 3 hours each.
What do you need to do?
- Register for the event contacting Carolina Restrepo at carolina.restrepo@ubc.ca
- Download the program on your laptop. You need to download the open source programs R and RStudio. Instructions to download below. If you have any problem downloading or installing the programs please contact matthias.bass@ubc.ca.
- Bring your laptop to the session
Workshop content:
Session 1, December 3rd:
- Installation of R and RStudio
- Rstudio
- What is a R script?
- What are R packages? (5981)
- How to install packages?
- Your R history?
- Your R environment?
- How data should look like for R?
- How to import data?
- How to save your work?
- Your friends!: The R helpfiles and the internet
Session 2 December 10th:
- Basic coding (The implanted R functions)
- What are data.frames, matrices, lists, vectors…?
- Different ways to acces your data ($ and [,])
- First graphs (‘Toy data 1‘)
- How to save graphs
- How to write .csv files and tables
- How to organise codes (The usage of comments)
- Write your own functions
Do you need some background information about the R language?
Please click on the following links for additional information:
http://www.r-project.org/ (What is R? icon)
Links to download the programs:
Download R:
http://www.r-project.org/ (CRAN icon) Windows 32bit version and 64bit version: http://mirror.its.dal.ca/cran/ Mac OS X 10.6 http://mirror.its.dal.ca/cran/ Mac OS X 10.9 http://mirror.its.dal.ca/cran/ Linux http://mirror.its.dal.ca/cran/