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Keynote Speakers

Dr. Robert Sandford
Sept. 16, 2014

Bob Sandford

Canada’s energized water cycle: climate change and its consequences

Dr. Sandford is EPCOR Chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative in support of the United Nations “Water for Life” Decades and Director of the Western Watersheds Research Collaboration. He will speak on the challenges of managing our freshwater resources.

Time: 7pm (doors open for wine and cheese reception at 6pm)

Venue: Rotary Centre for the Arts, Downtown Kelowna

Robert (Bob) Sandford is the author or editor of some 20 books on the history and heritage of the Canadian West. He began his work with UN-linked initiatives as chair of the United Nations International Year of Mountains in 2002. He also chaired the United Nations International Year of Fresh Water and Wonder of Water Initiative in Canada in 2003/04. These celebrations focused on the growing importance of water to ecological and cultural heritage in Canada.

Dr. Sanford is presently chair of the United Nations International Decade “Water for Life” Partnership in Canada, an initiative that aims to advance long-term water quality and availability issues in response to climate change in this country and abroad.

He is also director of the Western Watersheds Climate Research Collaborative, a research and public-policy arm of the University of Lethbridge that promotes understanding of climate impacts on river systems originating in the Rocky Mountains.

Sanford was the first Canadian to be invited to sit on the advisory committee for the Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy, a biennial global public-policy forum that examines solutions to our planet’s water crisis.

Dr. Daniel Pauly
Sept. 17, 2014


The Impact of Fisheries and Global Warming on Marine Ecosystems, with Some Emphasis on British Columbia

Dr. Pauly is Professor in Fisheries & Zoology, UBC Vancouver and Principal Investigator of the  Sea Around Us Project.  He is internationally renowned for his work in documenting the diminishing resources in our oceans and will speak about the marine biodiversity crises.

Time: 7pm (doors open for wine and cheese reception at 6pm)

Venue: Laurel Packinghouse (1304 Ellis Street), downtown Kelowna

Daniel Pauly is a French citizen who completed his high school and university studies in Germany. After many years at the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), in Manila, Philippines, Dr. Pauly became in 1994 a Professor at the Fisheries Centre of The University of British Columbia (Vancouver), of which he became the Director in 2003. Since 1999, he is also Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us project, devoted to studying documenting and mitigating the impact of industrial fishing on the world’s marine ecosystems.

The concepts, methods, and software Pauly (co-)developed, documented in more than 500 heavily-cited publications, are used throughout the world, following multiple courses and workshops given in four languages on all five continents. This applies especially to the ELEFAN software for fish growth analysis, the Ecopath approach for modelling aquatic ecosystems and FishBase, the online encyclopedia of fishes. This work is recognized in various profiles, notably in Science, Nature and the New York Times, and by numerous awards, notably the International Cosmos Prize (Japan, 2005), the Volvo Environmental Prize, (Sweden, 2006), the Ramon Margalef Prize (Spain, 2008) and the Nierenberg Prize for Science in the Public Interest (US, 2012).

His work also led to Pauly receiving six honorary doctorates and being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science).

All Speakers (chronological)

  • Dr. Lael Parrott, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Peter Millard, CEO Landcare Research, New Zealand
  • Josie Symmonds, Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
  • Todd Cashin, City of Kelowna
  • Shimshon Obadia, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Nancy Holmes, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Rebecca Tyson, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Daniel Grunbaum, Professor, University of Washington
  • Dr. John Janmaat, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Markandu Anputhas, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. John Wagner, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Joanne Taylor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Janice Brahney, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Kevin Hanna, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. John Corbett, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Anna Sears, Okanagan Basin Water Board
  • Drew Lejbak, Summit Environmental
  • Dr. Adam Wei, Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Bob Sandford, EPCOR Chair of the Canadian Partnership Initiative
  • Dr. Rita Winkler, Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
  • John Li, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Dave Scott, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Brian A. Heise, Thompson Rivers University
  • Aaron Coelho, Thompson Rivers University
  • Dr. Michael Russello, Associate Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Evelyn Jensen, UBC Okanagan
  • Matthew Lemay, UBC Okanagan
  • Roxanne Snook, UBC Okanagan
  • Alekasandra Dulic, Assistant Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Carol Luttmer, OCCP – Bryn White, SOSCP
  • Dr. Jason Pither, Assistant Professor UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Denise Nielsen, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Dr. Gerry Neilsen, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Dr. Tom Forge, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Dr. Scott Smith, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Dr. Kirsten Hannam, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
  • Taylor Holland, UBC Okanagan
  • Dr. Margo Tamez, Assistant Professor, UBC Okanagan
  • Mariel Belanger, UBC Okanagan
  • Rachel Parker Marchand, Okanagan Indian Band
  • Erik Hrabovsky, Mindgardens
  • Dr. Daniel Pauly, UBC Vancouver